Tag Archives | depression

Shedding Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

January 2017

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that is tied to the changes of seasons.  It is most common during the winter when there is less light.  Some people have dubbed it, winter depression.

If you experience a feeling of “down” that begins and ends at the same time every year – you may have SAD. Typically, symptoms start in the Fall or early Winter and then begin to dissipate, as the days get longer in the Spring.

Seasonal Symptoms
•    Sad – depressed – hopeless
•    Oversleeping
•    Moody
•    Agitation or Irritability
•    Low energy
•    Problems getting along with other people
•    Heavy feeling in the arms or legs
•    Increased craving for carbohydrates or sugary foods
•    Weight gain

Although these symptoms fade with the arrival of longer and warmer days, Seasonal Affective Disorder takes its toll with strained relationships, weight gain and feeling out of shape.

The exact cause of Seasonal Affective Disorder is unknown although Mayo Clinic cites the following:
•  Your biological clock is off – also called your circadian rhythm. The decrease in sunlight can disrupt your body’s internal clock and lead to feelings of depression.
•  Serotonin levels.  Less light can cause a drop in Serotonin that triggers depression.  Serotonin is an important brain chemical that impacts mood.
•  Melatonin levels. The winter season can negatively impact the balance of the body’s level of melatonin – that plays an important role in regulating sleep and mood.

Common treatment for SAD may include light therapy, talking to a therapist and/or medication from your doctor.
It’s always best to talk to your doctor about treatment options.

Organic Options

  • Participate in outdoor winter activities: ice skating, skiing, snowshoe or sledding.
  • Discover an indoor hobby by yourself or with a loved one that is fitting for cold winter evenings: reading, board games, card games, puzzles, knitting, drawing, workworking or playing a musical instrument.
  • Sit by a sunny window during the day.
  • Make dates to meet friends/family out for coffee, bingo, dining or a movie.
  • Plan a regular game night with family or friends.
  • Schedule a winter vacation to a sunny spot.
  • Make time for a regular treat at a local spa for a  massage, facial, skin treatment or manicure.
  • Focus on your evening self-care with a warm (not hot) bubble bath and an application of your favorite smelling lotion afterwards.
  • Head to the gym — even 30 minutes of exercise releases endorphins and neurotransmitters that create a feeling of euphoria.
  • Limit alcohol — it’s a depressant.
  • Read a book with uplifting messages – here are some possibilities:
    • Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
    • Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant
    • The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide
    • The 100-year-old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson
    • 2 a.m. at the Cat’s Pajamas by Marie-Helene Bertino
    • Hug Me by Simona Ciraolo
    • All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot
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Calming the Inner Critic

September 2013

You likely know it’s there and have some awareness of it.  The Inner Critic is that critical or shaming voice inside of your head that evaluates, criticizes, pushes, or critiques you.  It might tell you that you are not good enough or that you are too much.  It might be more global and say overarching things such as — you’re bad.

That Critic might push you to do/accomplish more  — feeling like a slavedriver.  Or, it might shame you after you’ve done something “wrong” such as making a mistake, eating too much or getting angry.  It might tell you that you’re too big, your needs aren’t important or that you are being a nuisance to others.

If you feel inadequate or awful about yourself — it’s time to focus on your Inner Critic.

I was recently reading the lovely work of Jay Early and Bonnie Weiss (Personal Growth Programs).  They have identified  7 types of Inner Critics:

TaskMaster pushes you very hard to accomplish a lot.  It wants you to work hard and be successful. It fears that you may be mediocre or lazy and will be judged a failure.  It drives you to work harder..

Perfectionist is all about quality of work — mistakes and flaws are not acceptable.  This Critic has high standards and it does not want you to be judged, rejected or criticized.

Underminer is very uncomfortable with risk.  It tries to undermine your self-confidence and self-esteem and wants you to stay small to avoid failing, being hurt, judged or rejected.

Molder doesn’t allow for individuality and wants you to fit a mold that comes from society, your family or culture.  It attacks you for not acting in a certain way and prevents your free expression.

Inner Controller tries to prevent pleasurable, decadent or addictive behavior that might not be good for you; overeating, drinking, sexual activity.
 It fears that you will get out of control.

Guilt-Tripper crushes your conscience for some specific action you have taken (or not taken).  It tries to protect you from repeating past mistakes by making sure you never feel free.

Destroyer depresses you, making pervasive attacks on your self-worth and shaming you. It makes you feel inherently flawed and not entitled to basic understanding/respect.

The question I hear most often in my therapy room is —  “Elizabeth, how do I get rid of that self-critical voice and feel better about myself?”  The good news is — you can.

As a start — just begin to notice when the Critic surfaces. Try journaling to begin to clearly hear the words of the Inner Critic without hating it or trying to get rid of it — but rather being interested in it.  Allow your memories to drift back to what was going on in your life when the Critic started to surface.

Ask the Critic some questions.  Why do you push me like that? What are you trying to do for me? What are you afraid would happen if you didn’t criticize/shame me?

My own Critic criticizes/shames me because it is afraid that I’ll fail.  That shaming voice inside my head pushes me to succeed.  It started in highschool when I realized that I could gain more love/attention from my parents with my success in school and sports.  The critical voice is afraid that if I fail — I’ll lose love from those around me.

When I was age 14, the Critic was helpful in pushing me to do well in those formative years of my life.  It was developmentally appropriate for my age and helped me set personal, educational and career goals.   Although, four decades later — that Critic has the potential of draining my energy and damaging my self-worth.  What do you notice about your Critic?

The first step with the Critic is to notice it.  Then the shift to soften it can begin.

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